Fit4ever is a fitness center with three branches in Hanoi. We always focus on effectiveness and safety for every member. Fit4ever has helped thousands of students achieve their training goals and make impressive body transformations. Behind Fit4ever’s success is an inspiring and passionate story. CEO – Nguyen Hong Quan was once a professional Canoe athlete, and he faced numerous challenges and difficulties in his career. However, a severe injury forced him to leave the field and give up his career. Therefore, he understands the importance of proper training. He has always wanted to help people engage in safe and effective sports training. At the same time, he wanted to share his passion for sports and knowledge with others. Mr. Nguyen Hong Quan built Fit4ever as a place where people can improve their health and fitness safely. It’s also a second home where people can connect, share their passion for sports, and build a sense of community. Fit4ever takes pride in having a team of professional and enthusiastic trainers with deep knowledge and practical experience to support each member in achieving their personal goals.